considered one of the oldest urban festivals in the world, the Gion Festival is a tradition rooted in the culture of the ancient imperial capital ofKyoto, founded in the year794 C.E. The Gion Festival Is a giant collection of puri-fication rituals and prayers to prevent death, illness and the suffering they bring.
At The same time, it is a celebra-tion of the fleeting beauty of this life. You could say it’s all about impermanence.Midsummer Kyoto in the year 869 C.E. was like today: unbearably hot and humid, and subject to heavy storms. This is the rainy season in the subtropics.But in 869, Kyotoites were suffering from a ter-rible epidemic. It is said that the Kamo River has overflowed, and later was filled with corpses. Surely Japanese Emperor Seiwa believed some vengefulspirits were punishing the people for an unknown wrongdoing. Hoping for relief, he sponsored a ritual to pacify the deities. Order Now:
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