Construction of Saki Matsuri floats begins on July 10th. At this time, the largest floats (mostly hoko and the large yama on Shinmachi-dori street) start construction. Then the smaller yama start a few days later. The treasure display areas for the largest hoko begin to open on July 13. Each float’s chonai community decides its schedule on its own. Everything is on display to the public on July 14, 15 and 16, from about 9am until around 10pm. Wandering around in good spirits yields festival and Kyoto gems. If you join the peak yoiyama, on the nights of the 15th and 16th, Shijo and Karasuma are closed to auto traffic 19:00-23:00. A flood of people, food and game stalls take their place. You’ll never forget the extraordinarily stimuli of the festive crowds.
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