Arare Tenjin Yama is dedicated to “Tenjin-sama,” or the “Thunder Deity, ” as is Abura Tenjin Yama. As the deified form of virtuous 9th-century scholar and statesman Sugawara Michizane, modern Japanese pray to him as a god ofeducation. History tells us that though Michizane was unjustly wronged, he suffered with dignity, and after his death his enemies met with calamaties; for these reasons he presents an archetypal human experience that many can relate to.
It’s estimated there are more than 35,000 Tenjin shrines throughout the country. “Arare” means “hail;” chōnai tradition holds that during a terrible fire in 1510, hail suddenly started to fall in this neighborhood, putting out the fire. Moreover, legend holds that a tiny statue of Michizane fell on the rooftops together with the hail, inspiring the neighborhood to dedicate this float to Tenjin-sama and the miraculous fire-quenching arare.
The float miraculously survived the great fires
of 1788 and 1864 that destroyed so many other floats (such as nearby Kikusui Boko);
amulets sold here protect the bearer from fires and lightning.
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